Up-to-date information on our collaborative research and citizen science work with the residents of Flint, MI in light of reported water quality issues
Earlier this morning, the Genesee County Board of Commissioners released the following public health advisory for residents concerning lead in Flint Water:
In other news, Genesee Health Coalition launched flintwaterinfo.com late last week with advisory precautions on lead. These are very similar to the advice we gave out. It is good news that there is now a website dedicated exclusively to lead in drinking water risks for Flint residents.
Immediately following our research trip to Flint in mid-August, we began experiments to quantify the relative corrosivity of Flint River Water versus Detroit water. These tests are done in the laboratory so we can draw definitive conclusions. While such testing is almost always done 6 months to a year before switching a water source to anticipate and avoid unexpected problems, in this case we are doing it more than a year after the switch to examine “What went wrong?.”
Hypothesis: It was hypothesized in our National Science Foundation (NSF) proposal, that Flint River water alone would be about 5 times more corrosive than Detroit water. However, no corrosion inhibitor was added to Flint River water, which could make the difference even greater. Morever, certain bacteria that can speed up corrosion, can grow in pipe systems, and essentially cause iron pipe to be “eaten up” faster than without these bacteria. This is called Microbiologically Induced Corrosion (MIC). During our field sampling a month ago, we looked for MIC bacteria in the Flint system versus samples from Detroit, to see if there were problems due to MIC bacteria.
Result #1. Head to head comparison of iron corrosion in Flint River vs. Detroit Water.
We previously demonstrated that rapid iron corrosion in Flint River water was eating up the chlorine disinfectant, and causing much more iron release than in Detroit water. We continued the same test for a month, exposing steel samples (a nail that is 99.99% iron) to: 1) Detroit water, 2) Flint River water, and 3) Flint River water plus orthophosphate (a known corrosion inhibitor). The water contacting the steel was changed every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. After a month, we photographed the iron samples, and measured weight loss. Each experiment was conducted in groups of three (triplicate) so we could estimate the corrosion rate with statistical confidence.
There was much more rust on the nail exposed to Flint River water compared to Detroit water (Figure 1). This gives you an idea why General Motors had to stop using Flint River water, because it was eating up metal on their assembly line.
Figure 1. Illustrative photograph of a nail after 1 month exposure to Detroit water (above) and Flint River water with no inhibitor (below). Each nail was rinsed in flowing water before taking the picture.
The weight loss measurements of the nail were used to determine the rate at which the water ate away at the steel, and verified scientific theory and our experimental hypothesis (Figure 2). Flint River water is more corrosive even with phosphate added than Detroit water (which has phosphate). In fact, Flint River water plus phosphate had 3.5 times more weight loss than the Detroit water, which is reasonably close to the theoretical prediction of 5X more corrosive noted in our NSF proposal (Figure 2). Theory says this is due to the higher levels of chloride and sulfate in the Flint River water than in the Detroit water. If an orthophosphate corrosion inhibitor was being added to Flint River water, in the last 16 months the city pipes would essentially have aged about 56 months (56 months = 3.5 faster corrosion X 16 months) more than if Detroit water was used.
Unfortunately, the Flint River water was added to the pipe system without any phosphate inhibitor. In our tests, this condition was 8.6X worse than Detroit water (Figure 2). Assuming this rate applies to the actual city pipe system, the last 16 months on Flint River water would have aged the pipes about 138 months (138 = 8.6 X 16 months) or 11.5 years more than using Detroit water. This could easily be costing citizens of Flint millions and millions of dollars in future pipe repair costs (see later discussion).
Figure 2. Iron corrosion rate based on weight loss after 1 month in Detroit, Flint River, and Flint River water plus orthophosphate (1mg/L as P).
Result #2: Microbially Induced Corrosion (MIC).
The above results are bad enough, but they do not consider problems caused by bacteria that can further accelerate metal pipe corrosion. When we went to Flint, we brought Biological Activity Reaction Test (BART) kits to look for specific MIC bacteria including: heterotrophic aerobic bacteria (HAB), acid producing bacteria (APB), iron reducing bacteria (IRB), sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB), and slime forming bacteria (SLYM). As a scientist, it is fun to do these tests, because when the bacteria grow one can see colors either appearing or disappearing to indicate that they are present (Figure 3). Depending on how fast the color changes, one can also roughly tell how much of each bacteria type are present—if there are more bacteria the color changes more quickly. For example, HAB tests have a color blue without bacteria (upper left Figure 3) and it will turn clear if bacteria are present and grow (lower left Figure 3). Or the SRB test bottle is clear if there are no bacteria (upper black cap bottle Figure 3) and will turn black if the bacteria are present and grow (lower black cap bottle Figure 3). The key point is that all types of corrosion causing bacteria were found in the Flint system (comparing top bottle with no bacteria to bottom bottle from Flint tap water of the same color cap). This is probably due to low chlorine, but might also be due to Flint River having a lot of organic matter (or “food”) for bacteria in it. We took a few samples of Detroit water, and the levels of corrosion causing bacteria were much lower.
Figure 3. Bacteria tests from right to left for HAB, APB, IRB, SRF and SLYM. The top bottles show what no or low levels of bacteria look like. The bottom bottles (all from the Flint system) show a color change indicating the corrosion causing bacteria are present.
We cannot say for sure that these bacteria were not in the Flint system at high levels if the Detroit water was still being used. But we strongly think that there would have been a lot fewer of them. In general, it is believed that the more MIC bacteria you have, the more problems you will have with excessive iron pipe corrosion. So the earlier estimates of corrosion rate, as bad as they are, might even be worse in the real Flint system when the bacteria are present.
Commentary: The High Costs of Pipe Corrosion and Importance of Corrosion Control
As a “back of envelope” illustration of how expensive corrosion is, let’s do some math that is grounded in some real numbers. It has been estimated that it would cost about 1.5 billion dollars to replace all of the pipes in the Flint distribution system. Assuming that cost can be (optimistically) spread out over the next 50 years, the cost per year to Flint residents would be 30 million dollars per year. Assuming there are 30,000 ratepayers, this translates to about $1000 per rate payer per year ($83/month per ratepayer). So right away, you get some insights, into why water rates are so high in Flint!
But now, instead of spreading that payment out over 50 years, it might have to be spread out over only 38.5 years (50 yrs – 11.5 yrs = 38.5 years) because of the corrosion damage done and pipes failing sooner. Remember, we have aged the system 11.5 years or so in just 16 months. This would mean that pipe replacement costs would have to go up to about 39 million a year just to keep up with failures. Thus, costs to ratepayers would be $9 million extra per year for the next 40 years, because of the extra corrosion that occurred by Flint River water without inhibitor.
While this is a very crude analysis, it does illustrate why corrosion problems not only endanger public health, but they are also extremely expensive. Every dollar spent on corrosion control usually saves at least $5-10 in damage, and future repair costs at a typical utility. For Flint, it is quite possible that the damages from corrosive water could ultimately be in the range of a hundred million dollars or even more. On top of that, this analysis does not consider damages to consumers plumbing, which tend to be even more expensive. This is a serious problem indeed, and casts the initial idea that switching to Flint River water would save money in serious doubt. In fact, it is highly likely that the switch will end up costing future citizens of Flint, millions and millions of dollars.
Experimental work and Primary Author: Dr. Marc Edwards
Earlier today, doctors from the Hurley Medical Center presented findings of rise in blood lead levels of children less than 5 years old living within Flint zip codes 48501-48507 after the switch to Flint River water as the source.
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First, we wanted to test some homes ourselves, because a surprising number of people have been asking us: “How do we know Flint residents are not putting lead into the water sample bottles?”
Third, we wanted to get information about whether the lead in water was soluble or particulate, because small particles are not removed by low cost Brita pitcher filters with 90% plus effectiveness.
We did confirm high lead. In 3 of 3 homes that we resampled where the plumbing was working normally, each tested with lead levels above 15 ppb (even when we collected and controlled the samples every step of the process). One home tested above 150 ppb. In the fourth home, the plumbing was blocked so badly the water would only come out at a trickle, and the lead levels were only 3 ppb. We intend to resample this home again when the water is flowing at normal flow rates. An interesting and logical hypothesis based on this result, is that sampling (or collecting water) at a low flow rate, might reduce the lead in water. This would only be true if a lot of the lead in water is particulate (see below).
Figure 1: We turned on the tap after the water sat for at least 6 hours, and then filled 1-liter bottles in sequence 1-8. At this house, every bottle (1-8) was over the 15 ppb action level and the 10 ppb WHO standard (red line). We then collected two bottles after 5 minutes and 10 minutes of total flushing respectively. Five minutes flushing was needed to get below WHO standards at this house, whereas 10 minutes flushing was slightly better.
Secondly, we did confirm that 5 minutes of flushing worked okay for reducing lead risks (see Figure 1). In every case tested so far, our advice to flush a minimum of 5 minutes did get the lead below World Health Organization (WHO) recommended maximum values for lead in water (10 ppb). The data also showed that 1 or 2 or even 3 minutes flushing was not good enough. While we only have data from 3 homes, it is somewhat reassuring that 5 minutes helps dramatically, even though the lead levels were still above 5 ppb, which we still think is too high for infants using formula or pregnant women. So overall we are sticking with our earlier advice, although we will keep you posted on what we find.
Third, for bottles 1, 3, 5, and 7 at each house, we passed some of the water through 0.45 um filters (i.e. filters with openings 0.45 micrometer in size). Tiny particles of lead would be removed by the filter, but soluble lead (i.e. lead dissolved in water like sugar and salt dissolve in water) should pass through. To our surprise, at most, only 15% of the lead went through the filter. This indicates that most of the lead in the water is particulate, which is what we found at Ms. Walters home as well. This also might explain why the fourth house in which water flowing at a trickle had low lead. Flow rate only has small impacts on soluble lead, and sampling at low flow should make soluble lead lower. But higher flow rates tend to increase release of particulate lead.
Dr. Edwards speaks with Flint resident Nora Carthan (who was interviewed by ABC12) after we finished sampling at her home
A Flint resident smiles for the camera alongside bottles that we used to sample at her home. She agreed to pose when she heard accusations like ‘Perhaps Flint residents are putting lead in their water” that we have come across.
A lead test kit from Lowe’s was used to test plumbing material for lead in Flint homes; Red implies the pipe tested contains lead
After our press conference [L-R] Pastor Alfred Harris Sr., Siddhartha Roy, Rev. Alan Overton, Nayyirah Sharrif, Claire McClinton, Dr. Marc Edwards, LeeAnne Walters, Melissa Mays, Curt Guyette
A candid shot of Melissa Mays prior to the press conference
Flint, MI
Flint Mayor Dayne Walling and Utilities Head Howard Croft before the ‘Special Order’ Presentation on Flint’s Water Quality where it was emphasized that ‘Flint’s water meets all state and federal standards”
A Flint resident holds a placard voicing her protest and asking the city to switch back to Detroit Water
Primary Author: Dr. Marc Edwards
Sampling and Data Graphs: Siddhartha Roy, Dr. Marc Edwards
We have been getting a lot of questions about the health risks associated with drinking unfiltered Flint water. Aside from the obvious statement that “there is no safe level of lead exposure,” we have recent peer-reviewed research from our group that provides useful estimates.
Based on our survey, the average lead in first draw Flint water is 10.3 ppb (this was bottle 1 in the survey), and the average lead after 45 seconds of flushing is 10.6 ppb (this was bottle 2). So let’s use the average lead exposure of 10 pbb as the baseline estimate.
According to results in Triantafyllidou et al, (2014), it is estimated that for about 25% of infants drinking formula made from tap water at 10 ppb, their blood lead would rise above the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) level of concern of 5 micrograms/deciLiter (or ug/dL). This is why we emphasized that no one should be feeding their infants formula from unfiltered Flint tap water. The risk is very high.
Children aged 1-2 years old consume less water per unit body weight than infants. Thus, their risk is lower. However, they also tend to get some lead exposure from other sources. If we assume they get “normal lead” from dust and soil exposures, consuming unfiltered tap water at 10 ppb is predicted to raise the blood lead of 25% of the 1-2 year old children above the CDC’s level of concern (5 ug/dL). Thus, again, the risk is significant.
If you cannot afford filters or bottled water, flushing can really help. After 3 minutes flushing in Flint water, the average lead was reduced to 4 ppb (bottle 3 in our survey). Even though we consider this too high, it is still about 3 times lower than that obtained from the first 1 liter or after 45 seconds flushing. Thus, the risk is reduced by 3 times as well. In the case of infants using formula with this flushed water, about 5% are expected to have blood lead elevations about the CDC level of concern. Since we consider this risk too high for our kids, we believe it is too high for Flint’s kids as well. It highlights our warning that nobody in Flint should be using unfiltered tap water to make up infant formula, even after flushing.
We also note that pregnant women consuming unfiltered Flint River water are also at risk. As detailed in our other peer reviewed research publications, even modest elevations in a mothers’ blood lead are hypothesized to increase the risk of miscarriages or fetal death. We retrospectively tested that hypothesis for a time period of high water lead exposure in Washington D.C.; indeed, when lead in water was high, miscarriages and fetal deaths were also high (see article here).
While we are most concerned with lead exposure to pregnant women and children under age 6, no one benefits from lead exposure, even though the health risks are lower for other groups.
Therefore, we reiterate our earlier advice to Flint consumers. Until further notice, Flint tap water should only be used for cooking or drinking if one of the following steps are implemented:
Treat Flint tap water with a filter certified to remove lead (look for certification by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) that it removed lead on the label OR see our table below), or
Flush your lines continuously at the kitchen tap, for 5 minutes at a high flow rate (i.e. open your faucet all the way), to clean most of the lead out of your pipes and the lead service line, before collecting a volume of water for cooking or drinking. Please note that the water needs to be flushed 5 minutes every time before collecting water for cooking or drinking. For convenience, you can store water in the refrigerator in containers, to reduce the need to wait for potable water each time you need it.
Bottled water is another option.
To help choose filters that are NSF certified for lead removal, we summarized data from NSF/ANSI 53 Certified Lead Filters below in a user friendly table: